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kumpulan tutorial n share how to
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Friday, June 25, 2010

cara konfig xwindows pada opensolaris

setau gw sih xwindow cara konfigure nya sama.


You might need to connect to a wireless network that you know about,

but the network is not displayed when you access the Network Status

panel icon's right-click menu. For example, you might want to connect

to a private network at your site that is hidden from NWAM, yet you

have permission to use.

To use this task, you must know the network name (ESSID) for the

network that you want to add. If the network is secure, you also must

have a valid password for that network. NWAM supports WEP and WPA

passwords. You can also supply the BSSID for the access point that

serves the network. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, go to How

to Obtain More Information About Your Active Network Connection for






1. Right-click the Network Status panel icon.
2. Right-click the option Join Unlisted Wireless Network.
The Add Wireless Network dialog is displayed.
3. Type the network name and, if the network is secure, your

4. Type the BSSID of the network.
5. To save the changes, click Ok.
Thereafter, the Network Status panel icon's right-click menu

displays an entry for the network that you just added, if that network

is within range.

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